Monday, 4 April 2011

Editing - Monday, 4th March 2011

Today i edited more establishing shots and shots of us in the park playground having fun, as i really want the audience to realise that the characters are having a fun day bunking up in London, which creates that juxtaposition between school (trapped atmosphere) and London/Camden/Playground (freedom) I felt like we had a lot of jump cuts but not a lot of other effects in our music video and felt that it was becoming quite samey, so i sped up the footage of the playground to highlight the playful nature on the see-saw/rocking horse and to link these shots together as a sort of montage. The other members of the group did fear that this would create too much of a 'gimmicky' effect and did not like a rewinded shot of someone walking, that i had added and so i replaced this with another sped up shot of a 'pirate-fight' on a barge on camden lock canal. We all agreed that this worked quite well as it fitted in with the light-hearted 'montage' and was a 'London attraction' which once again reinforced the location.

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